Life Coach

Life Coaching

Having a sense of higher purpose is a step towards peace. We begin our sessions with getting to know each other. I introduce you to two techniques I hold most close to my heart that are called, "Heart-focused Breathing" and "Quick coherence" and I will teach you these techniques. These techniques come from The Heartmath Institute. I teach these techniques to you on day one at our first session only and it takes five minutes and after that teaching, I am a guide and not a teacher. After our first session, you are welcomed to use these techniques on your own.

Many of the benefits of these Heartmath techniques include:
Improved emotional well being
improve your emotional resilience and self regulation
Improved memory
Improved creativity
Improved sleep
Improved decision making
Improved effectiveness and performance
Improved overall mental health
Improved capacity to deal with stress
increased ability to think clearly
Improved communication
Improved creativity
Improved outlook in life
Improved health and well being
Improved communication

Working with me is inspiring, fun and motivating.


Please book online below to schedule a session with me.  You will receive an automatic appointment email with the confirmed date and time (chosen by you) including payment information.

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